Two scientific and technological achievements led by our university have won the first prize of Chongqing Science and Technology Progress Award

Release Time:2023-07-11 Author: Editor:Liu Kuang

On July 10, the 2022 Chongqing Science and Technology Innovation and Talent Work Conference was held, recognizing and rewarding outstanding scientific researchers and team representatives who made outstanding contributions to scientific and technological innovation.

As the leading unit, our university received the first prize of Science and Technology Progress Award for two scientific and technological achievements, namely "Key Technologies and Applications for Large-scale and Cost-effective Development of Marine Shale Gas in the Sichuan Basin" and "Key Technologies and Applications of Automated Welding for Long-distance Oil and Gas Pipelines in Complex Environments." Our university also participated in and completed the achievement "Fire and Explosion Disaster Mechanism and High-speed Explosion Suppression and Fire Extinguishing Technology and Application in Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Systems," which also won the first prize of Science and Technology Progress Award. As the leading unit, we also won one second prize for Technology Invention Award, two second prizes and three third prizes for Science and Technology Progress Award. As a participating unit, we won one third prize for Science and Technology Progress Award. In total, our university received 10 Chongqing Science and Technology Awards in 2022, ranking among the top universities in Chongqing for two consecutive years.

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Copyright: Chongqing University of Science and Technology. ICP 13000511-1