Our Faculty and Students Achieve Excellent Results in the Second Chinese National Vocational Skills Competition

Release Time:2023-09-19 Author: Editor:Liu Kuang

On September 19th, the Second Chinese National Vocational Skills Competition came to a successful conclusion. Teachers Feng Wei and Meng Minghui from our School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, as members of the Chongqing team, and He Gaofa, as the head coach, participated in the new vocational skill competition event titled "Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering Technology Project." After three days of intense competition against 26 provincial teams, they ultimately won the award of excellence. Students Ge Ziming, Zhou Zhixi, and Zou Peiqiao from our College of Humanities and Arts, as members of the Chongqing team, also competed in the "Merchandising Techniques," "Graphic Design Techniques," and "Painting and Decoration" events respectively, against 26 provincial teams, and all three of them achieved awards of excellence in their respective events.

The Chinese National Vocational Skills Competition, approved by the State Council and organized by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, is the most comprehensive national vocational skills competition with the highest specifications, the largest number of events, the largest scale, the highest level, and the widest influence. It is simply referred to as the National Skills Competition.

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Information Management: Publicity Department of Party Committee of CQUST. Technical Support:Information Technology  Office  of CQUST.

Copyright: Chongqing University of Science and Technology. ICP 13000511-1