Our University was Awarded the Titles of "Excellent Demonstration Base of Smart Education" and "Excellent Laboratory of the Year" in Chongqing

Release Time:2023-03-28 Author:Qin Chuan Editor:Liu Kuang

Recently, the Summit Forum of "Innovative Education, Enlightening the Future" was held in Chongqing Institute of International Business and Economics, and our university was awarded the title of the second batch of "Excellent Demonstration Base of Smart Education" and "Excellent Laboratory of the Year" in Chongqing.

At the forum, the expert group comprehensively evaluated the performance achievements of the demonstration base in terms of infrastructure construction, talent training, education service and education evaluation, as well as the social benefits and innovative demonstration role produced by the base in artificial intelligence, smart learning environment, informatization teaching mode and smart education, etc. Then a list of the best candidates were selected At the forum, a total of 9 "Excellent Demonstration Bases of Smart Education" and 11 " Excellent Laboratories of the Year" were received commendation.

The Summit Forum of "Innovative Education, Enlightening the Future" is jointly sponsored by Chongqing Artificial Intelligence Society and Chongqing Computer Society, and jointly organized by the Smart Education Research Institute of Chongqing Normal University and Chongqing Institute of International Business and Economics. The experts attending the forum focused on the role of future teachers in the era of smart education, AI enabling education, the practice of and reflection on AI education, the development of 101 core courses from the perspective of AI, the cultivation of "robot +" talents, the development and practice of digitalization of higher education, on the core changes of information technology curriculum standards in middle schools.Such Seminars and exchanges have provided new directions for the development of artificial intelligence technology teaching models, talent cultivation, curriculum construction, and other fields.

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Copyright: Chongqing University of Science and Technology. ICP 13000511-1