Graduate Students of CQUST Scored Great Achievements in the 9th "Chegu Cup" China Graduate Student Energy Equipment Innovation Design Competition

Release Time:2022-12-20 Author:Qin Chuan Editor:Xu Zhiyuan

From December 9 to December 11, the national final of the 9th "Chegu Cup" China Graduate Student Energy Equipment Innovation Design Competition was concluded in Wuhan University of Technology. After fierce competition, the scientific and technological works selected and sent by our university won two second prizes and two third prizes, and the university won the "Excellent Organization Award."

Address: No. 20, East University town road, Shapingba district, Chongqing.     Postcode: 401331

Information Management: Publicity Department of Party Committee of CQUST. Technical Support:Information Technology  Office  of CQUST.

Copyright: Chongqing University of Science and Technology. ICP 13000511-1