Liu Shiyu's Research Group From Our University Made Progress in the Field of Methanol Fuel Cell Materials and Photothermal Conversion Materials

Release Time:2022-06-07 Author:Qin Chuan Editor:Liu kuang


Recently, Lu Shiyu's research group of the School of Metallurgy and Material Engineering of our university has made progress. The findings of the research team in the field of methanol fuel cell materials and photothermal conversion materials were published by the TOP journal Applied Surface Science (impact factor 6.707) and the well-known journal Small methods (impact factor 14.188) of the first district of Chinese Academy of Sciences respectively. The findings have been highlighted by the Wechat official accounts of "Materials Man" and "Nanometer Man" of Materials Science and Tencent News website.



It is reported that the research group will continue to devote itself to the development and design of key electrode materials for photocatalysis, electrocatalysis and high-efficiency energy storage, focus on the research on high-efficiency conversion and storage materials and mechanisms of new energy, and realize the construction of high-efficiency and stable production and utilization devices of hydrogen energy and high-energy density ion batteries. Lu Shiyu graduated from the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of our university with a bachelor's degree, a doctorate from Southwest University, and did his postdoctoral research at Peking University (selected into the postdoctoral "Young Scholars in Engineering Science" program of the Advanced Innovation Center for Engineering Science and Emerging Technologies of Peking University). In September 2021, Lu Shiyu was employed by our university as a professor and CQUST first-class talent . He was selected into the 7th China Association for Science and Technology Young Talent Promotion Project (National Young Talents). He successively published 47 papers on J. Am. Chem. Soc (IF=15.419), Adv. Mater (IF=30.849), Adv. Energy Mater. (IF=29.368), Adv. Funct. Mater. (IF=18.808), Nano Energy (IF=17.881), Appl. Catal. B: Environ. = 19.503), Small methods (IF = 14.188) and other international top SCI journals , and the papers were cited more than 1600 times, H10-index was 34. He presided over 4 national, provincial and ministerial scientific research projects, and completed 2 industrialization cooperation projects.

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Copyright: Chongqing University of Science and Technology. ICP 13000511-1