The 27th Teachers’ Day Celebration and Commendation Ceremony Was Held at CQUST

Release Time:2021-09-15 Author:Li Qing Editor:Xu Zhiyuan

In the afternoon of September 10, CQUST celebrated the 37th Teachers' Day and a commendation ceremony was held in the Academic Hall of the primary teaching building. All university leaders staying at Chongqing attended the ceremony. The attendees, more than 200 people, include representatives of advanced groups and individuals, winners of the Chongqing 2020 Teaching Innovation Competition for Teachers of Regular Undergraduate Institutions, heads of colleges (departments), staff representatives of colleges (departments), staff representatives of relevant functional departments, and student representatives. The meeting was presided over by University President Yin Huachuan, and Secretary of the Party Committee Li Delong gave a speech.

At the ceremony, Vice Secretary of the Party Committee Gan Qin read out the university’s “Decision on Commending Advanced Groups and Individuals for the 2020-2021 Academic Year”. Vice Secretary of the Party Committee Shi Jinliang read out the university’s "Notice on Announcing the List of Teachers Recognized as Dedication in Education for Thirty Years by 2021". Vice President Wu Song read out the university’s "Notice on Announcing the List of Teachers and Staff Recognized as Dedication in Education Management Service for Thirty Years by 2021". And Vice President Xiao Dazhi read out the Notice of Chongqing Municipal Education Commission on “Announcing the Winners ofChongqing 2020 Teaching Innovation Competition for Teachers of Regular Undergraduate Institutions.

The university leaders presented each award to the secondary units that won the title of Advanced Group, the departments (institutes and research labs) that won the title of Advanced Basic Teaching Unit, the teachers who won the title of Model of Teaching Ethics, the teachers who won the title of Top Ten Outstanding Young Teachers, the representative teachers who won the title of Outstanding Teacher, the representatives who won the title of Outstanding Instructor, the representatives who won the title of Outstanding Educator, the representatives of teachers who have dedicated to teaching for 30 years, the representatives of teaching staff who have dedicated to management services for 30 years, the representatives who won prizes at Chongqing 2020 Teaching Innovation Competition for Teachers of Regular Undergraduate Institutions, and the representatives who won the title of Service Guarantee Model.

The representatives of faculty and staff being honored and commended spoke at the ceremony, including Zhou Chuande (top left), Head of Mechanical and Power Engineering College, representing the advanced group, Zeng Yu (top right) from School of Marxism and representative of Model Teacher, Zeng Weijing (lower left), a full-time instructor from College of Humanities and Arts, representing Outstanding Instructors, and Duan Jinli (lower right) from College of Architectural and Civil Engineering, Deputy Secretary of the General Branch of the Youth League, representing the students of CQUST.

Address: No. 20, East University town road, Shapingba district, Chongqing.     Postcode: 401331

Information Management: Publicity Department of Party Committee of CQUST. Technical Support:Information Technology  Office  of CQUST.

Copyright: Chongqing University of Science and Technology. ICP 13000511-1