Students from College of Foreign Languages Who Form the Rural Vitalization Practice Group for “Bringing Culture, Science and Technology, Hygienic Health to the Countryside” Have Conducted a Series of Activities in the Community

Release Time:2021-07-20 Author:Qin Chuan Editor:Xu Zhiyuan

From July 8 to July 10, volunteers from the College of Foreign Languages went to Xueshan Community Service Station in Shapingba District for a three-day social practice activity themed as "Love and Care for Children in the Community, Build Dreams with Sunlight and Hope for a Brighter Tomorrow", which intended to care for children’s development of foreign languages, interests of language learning and interaction, as well as their mental health.

To engage children participating in this activity, the volunteers prepared games such as carrot squat, number hug and hide-and-seek. The children gave themselves names based on the English and Spanish content newly learnt, which not only helped them review knowledge, but also spice to the activity. The games both sharpened their reaction skills and solidified their friendship. The number hugging and hide-and-seek games tested the children's resilience and observation ability, and helped them to relieve tension and stress while playing. At the end, the children who performed outstandingly were rewarded. Such positive feedback would help children motivated to keep good habits and reminded them of the importance of observe the order.

Through the three-day social practice, the volunteers learned to understand more about the society out of campus, more familiar with the great demand for foreign language education resources, and also experienced the toil of teaching and educating. They went to the community with a commitment to serve the society by learning, practicing and exercising, and returned to the university campus with fruitful results to continue their academic study. This practice will become an experience of great significance for all the students participated.

Address: No. 20, East University town road, Shapingba district, Chongqing.     Postcode: 401331

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Copyright: Chongqing University of Science and Technology. ICP 13000511-1