The Grand Report and Commendation Ceremony of 2020 Students’ Military Training Results Was Held

Release Time:2021-07-15 Author:Qin Chuan Editor:Xu Zhiyuan

On the morning of July 10, the military training results report and commendation ceremony for the class of 2020 was held in Lide Stadium of the university. School leaders including Li Delong, Yin Huachuan, Wu Song and He Jisheng attended the ceremony. A total of more than 5000 people were present, including Party and office leaders from each secondary college and relevant functional departments, all members of the military training group, and all students of the class of 2020. Shi Jinliang, deputy Party secretary and vice president of CQUST, presided over the ceremony.

Performances of military training achievement started in the solemn sound of the national anthem. After the flag-raising ceremony, 32 military training formations passed the podium in turn. The students, with strong posture and powerful strides, saluted all the audience with standard military salute, showing the vigorous and energetic spirit of college students in a new era. Their outstanding performance won applauses of the audience in the stands.

The university commended the advanced units and individuals of class 202 in this military training. Wu Song, Vice President, read out the commendation decisions on behalf of the university, and the school leaders presented awards to the model battalions, advanced companies, and representatives of advanced teachers as well as training individual models, respectively.

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Information Management: Publicity Department of Party Committee of CQUST. Technical Support:Information Technology  Office  of CQUST.

Copyright: Chongqing University of Science and Technology. ICP 13000511-1