The University Holds a Postgraduate Education Conference

Release Time:2021-06-01 Author:Qin Chuan Editor:Xu Zhiyuan

On the afternoon of May 28, the university held a postgraduate education conference in the auditorium, studying and implementing the important instructions of CPC General Secretary Xi Jinping on postgraduate education and the directions of Premier Li Keqiang, and implementing the guiding principles of the National Postgraduate Education Conference, by mapping out the new blueprint for the development of postgraduate education in 14th Five-Year Plan period and discussing the new tasks of postgraduate education.

After the university-level meeting, all schools with postgraduate programs held group discussions on the directive documents released at various conferences concerning the "14th Five Year Plan" academic discipline development and graduate education development planning, the program construction planning of doctoral-degree-awarding units, and the graduate education quality improvement planning.

It is noted that the university will soon organize multi-level and multi-angle consultation meetings aimed at unity in thinking, consensus building, and eventually formulating postgraduate education development plans, quality improvement plans and supporting directive documents, in order to deepen graduate education reform across the board and bring the university's graduate education to a new level.

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Copyright: Chongqing University of Science and Technology. ICP 13000511-1