Our Students Made Great Achievement in the 7th National Science Innovation Competition for Youth.

Release Time:2021-05-06 Author:Qin Chuan Editor:Xu Zhiyuan

The Trials of Chongqiong Division, 7th National Youth Science Popularization Innovation Competition, which was sponsored by Chongqing Association for Science and Technology(CAST) and Chongqing Science and Technology Museum, was successfully concluded in Chongqing Science and Technology Museum on the morning of April 25. Zhang Yuce, a student of Class 2018 majoring in Environmental Engineering, and Zhang Meng, a student of Class 2020 majoring in Energy and Chemical Engineering, who were guided by Professor Wang Meng from the College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of our school, won the third prize of "Intelligent Control Group" in the Chongqing-Hubei Area. Wang Meng won the title of "Excellent Tutor".

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Copyright: Chongqing University of Science and Technology. ICP 13000511-1